The editors will accept for publication articles that correspond in content to the focus of the journal, in accordance with the latest knowledge in the field and in accordance with their best conscience. They will also admit critical articles of their own work.
The editors strive to:
- expanding knowledge for a wide range of readers;
- gradually increasing the level of the journal;
- ensuring the highest possible quality of the journal's content;
- preserving freedom of expression;
- preventing the spread of false and misleading commercial claims;
- ensuring the publication of possible corrections of articles, explanations, or apologies.
Readers are always informed about how to fund research and the role of funders.
Editors make every effort to ensure the highest possible quality of published content, recognizing that sections of a journal may have different requirements, goals, and standards. The decision of the editors to accept or reject the article for publication is always based only on its meaning, originality, comprehensibility, and relevance of the content with regard to the focus of the journal.
The authors are acquainted with the course of the review procedure. Any rejection of the article is always justified, as well as the requirements for editing the article before its publication. Requests for editing the article are made based on two reviews or by the editor in accordance with the instructions for authors.
The authors are clearly and in detail acquainted with the requirements for the content, level and editing of articles. Guidelines for authors are publicly available and regularly updated. The article will be accepted if it is in accordance with the guidelines for authors and a positive opinion of the reviewers is issued.
Editors always provide reviewers with a clear requirement for the content and form of the review. Guidelines for reviewers are regularly updated. Reviewers are also reminded of the need to respect ethical principles. Editors always protect the identity of reviewers to ensure an independent review process.
All materials that have been sent to the editors for review prior to publication are confidential. If the article is not published, the editors will ensure that the materials will not be used in any other way.
The editorial staff responds to complaints as soon as possible. Complainants will be informed of the manner and date of resolving their complaint. The recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) are respected. Unresolved complaints will be forwarded to independent respected figures in the field.
The editors will provide space for the publication of critiques of published articles. Authors always could respond to criticism.